For every news story in the popular press detailing the horrors and the violence associated with cocaine, there have been corresponding studies in the medical litera- ture shedding new light on our un
This book presents recent medical information on nicotine and tobacco's neurobiological, physiological, and psychological effects, reviews the history of tobacco use, and describes the latest diagnost
Gold (psychiatry, neuroscience, and community health and family medicine, U. of Florida, Gainesville) compiles five papers that present and review new data on performance enhancing medications and dru
This book is written for a truly general medical audience. Clinicians, researchers, residents, and students will find Al cohol a direct treatment of the major drug problem in Amer ica. Along with th
Alcoholism afflicts individuals of all social groups and age levels, although young adults have the greatest risk for addiction to alcohol. According to the National Survey on Drug Use and Health, mo
Can certain foods hijack the brain in ways similar to drugs and alcohol, and is this effect sufficiently strong to contribute to major diseases such as obesity, diabetes, and heart disease, and hence
Can certain foods hijack the brain in ways similar to drugs and alcohol, and is this effect sufficiently strong to contribute to major diseases such as obesity, diabetes, and heart disease, and hence