The politics of wellbeing and the new science of happiness have become increasingly popular since Martin Seligman coined the phrase "positive psychology" and connected it to the idea of the good life.
Happiness. We all want it--but how can we get it? An expert explains howIn Use Philosophy to Be Happier, author Mark Vernon has collected the wisdom of the greatest minds in history and has made their
Mark Vernon takes his inspiration from 42 of the funniest, wisest, and quirkiest quotations about the big questions in life, and uses these as starting points for his brilliant observations. In each c
Do you ever get the feeling that something went wrong? What with credit crunches, wars, congestion charges, and unemployment, it is natural to hark back to less complicated times. In this witty and in
"In this book, Mark Vernon offers penetrating insights on the idea of friendship, using philosophy and modern culture to ask about friendship and sex, work, politics and spirituality. He also explores
The broadside against religion launched by a new breed of evangelical atheists has generated much heat but little light. Locked in battle against their Christian opponents the argument goes nowhere f
The authentic spiritual quest is marked not by certainties but by questions and doubt. How To Be An Agnostic explores the wonder of science, the ups and downs of being ‘spiritual but not religi
Mark Vernon links the resources of the philosophical tradition with numerous illustrations from modern culture to ask what friendship is and how it relates to sex, work, politics and spirituality. Unu
Here is a practical guide to the essentials of business. This book provides everything you need to know about the key concepts and terms, from accountability to zero-sum game. Everything from manageme
Written with warmth and clarity, this book belongs in the hands of anyone who has agonized over an aging friend or relative or worries about his own capacity to remember. No physical problem is as de
This book makes a unique contribution to the renewed debate about empire and imperialism and will be of great interest to all those concerned with understanding the historical antecedents and wider im