Martin L. Kutscher是紐約醫學院小兒神經科學系助理臨床教授,執業25年以上,有相當的實務性著作與發表。本書乃Kutscher醫師與自閉症領域著名的臨床心理師Tony Attwood及小兒神經科醫師Robert R. Wolff合著的一本實務指引書籍。依據2013年美國精神醫學會新修訂的DSM第五版,整合多年臨床經驗,以「混合症候群」一詞說明自閉症類群障礙、注意力不足過動症、學習障礙
Provides an overview of a variety of disorders, including autism, ADD, and bipolar disorder, found in children, and includes information on diagnosis, treatment options, and behavioral strategies.
Provides an overview of a variety of disorders, including autism, ADD, and bipolar disorder, found in children, and includes information on diagnosis, treatment options, and behavioral strategies.