Feminist Reconstructions in Psychology introduces a distinctive new mode in doing psychology. This psychology is based on an increasingly popular range of ideas called social constructionis
Distilling decades of work spanning their prestigious careers, Mary M. and Kenneth J. Gergen make a strong case for enriching the social sciences through performative work. They present a unique explo
This compilation of previously published works provides an interesting and unique take on performance as a central tool to explore, understand, interpret and communicate a broader view of social scien
'Social Construction: A Reader is a superb selection of classic and contemporary readings representing the major viewpoints central to social constructionism' Journal of Community and Applied Psycholo
Accompanied by author analysis and contemporary applications, this collection of readings, reflections and invitations to dialogue make Interpersonal Communication: Making Worlds Together a highly rea
Drawn from a brilliant array of voices primarily from psychology, but also from other social sciences and humanities, this unique reader of creative and intellectually provocative essays investigates