D-module theory is essentially the algebraic study of systems of linear partial differential equations. This book, the first devoted specifically to holonomic D-modules, provides a unified treatment of both regular and irregular D-modules. The authors begin by recalling the main results of the theory of indsheaves and subanalytic sheaves, explaining in detail the operations on D-modules and their tempered holomorphic solutions. As an application, they obtain the Riemann–Hilbert correspondence for regular holonomic D-modules. In the second part of the book the authors do the same for the sheaf of enhanced tempered solutions of (not necessarily regular) holonomic D-modules. Originating from a series of lectures given at the Institut des Hautes Études Scientifiques in Paris, this book is addressed to graduate students and researchers familiar with the language of sheaves and D-modules, in the derived sense.
Sheaf Theory is a field of mathematics at the intersection of algebraic topology, algebraic geometry, and partial differential equations. This volume presents a treatment of Sheaf Theory from the basi
Sheaf Theory is modern, active field of mathematics at the intersection of algebraic topology, algebraic geometry and partial differential equations. This volume offers a comprehensive and self-contai
Categories and sheaves appear almost frequently in contemporary advanced mathematics. This book covers categories, homological algebra and sheaves in a systematic manner starting from scratch and cont
This work is concerned with combinatorial aspects arising in the theory of exactly solvable models and representation theory. Recent developments in integrable models reveal an unexpected link betwee