Russell, an independent computer scientist, explores the capabilities of the Dojo toolkit for JavaScript and Ajax web-based software applications. Written for both independent web developers and corpo
This slim volume on data mining presents practical recipes for extracting and analyzing data from the Twitter social networking framework. A spin-off of the more comprehensive volume Mining the Social
If your web application’s success depends on how quickly and easily users can make transactions, PayPal APIs provide effective solutions you can’t afford to overlook. This concise book takes you hands
Want to tap the tremendous amount of valuable social data in Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, GitHub, Instagram, and Google+? This new edition helps you discover who’s making connections with social media
This volume contains three studies that trace the history of tourism in Yellowstone National Park through material remains discovered in both terrestrial and underwater archeological sites. A research
Children's Bibles have been among the most popular and influential types of religious publications in the United States, providing many Americans with their first formative experiences of the Bible an