If you've ever found yourself looking at a photograph in a museum or gallery and thinking, "I can do that," this is the book for you. 101 QUICK AND EASY IDEAS TAKEN FROM THE MASTER PHOTOGRAPHERS OF T
If you own a digital camera and actively take pictures with it, you probably have a hard drive, memory card, or laptop filled with images that you keep meaning to do something with but never get arou
Discover how to take compelling photographs utilizing all the awesome features of your digital camera. 101 Quick and Easy Secrets to Create Winning Photographs shows you how to use composition and te
Photography is defined as the art of producing images on photosensitive surfaces. NEW IMAGE FRONTIERS: DEFINING THE FUTURE OF PHOTOGRAPHY reveals past, present, and future trends in photography. From
The cloud has opened up a world of image collection possibilities for both professional and casual photographers, making it simple and inexpensive to store and work with photographs online. PHOTOGRAPH
High Dynamic Range (HDR) photography is the new software-driven process that merges several photos of varying exposures into one image, resulting in a final, tonally enhanced photo that's captivating,
San Francisco is one of the most unique and popular travel destinations in the world, filled with interesting architecture, lively street life, secluded getaways, and breathtaking views. If you plan o
Killer Photos with Your iPhone shows students how to take fantastic pictures using the camera built right into their iPhone. Because of its portability and unique capabilities, the iPhone camera is no