Berube (Old Dominion U.) traces the words and work of reformers and progressives from the Left to find if they actually had an influence on the development of American education. He starts with Dewey
"Higher education is under siege by a number of forces ranging from corporate and military interests to those who want to remove any vestige of democratic values from the academy. The Moral Universit
"Higher education is under siege by a number of forces ranging from corporate and military interests to those who want to remove any vestige of democratic values from the academy. The Moral Universit
Nearly a century ago, Dewey proposed a philosophy of education addressing the needs of the whole student. He provided insights into the development of intelligence, the importance of socially useful s
"Daniel W. Stuckart and Jeffrey Glanz offer all educators bold ideas and practices inspired by Dewey's conception of progressive education, which are timely and meaningful as the national debate about