An intimate examination of the lives and times of prominent mass communication theorists both past and present, Mass Communication Theories: Explaining Origins, Processes, and Effects explores mass
Written by two of the field’s most eminent experts, this exciting new introduction to mass media makes connections between communication research and the reality of the media industry. Understandin
本書是傳播理論大師 MELVIN L. DEFLEUR 和 EVERETTE E. DENNIS 的精心傑作,為美國許多大眾傳播與新聞科系必讀的教材。 本書字裡行間充分展現兩人對傳播理論深入淺出的解釋功力與對傳播歷史發展脈絡的精確掌握,難能可貴的是在此最新的版本中,作者將整個傳播概念融入資訊社會數位科技的架構,提出發人深省的精闢見解。此外,加入重量級實務界領袖的專訪,使得本書可讀性更高。