More than a recounting of two bankruptcies and a dizzying experience publishing New York Times bestselling cookbooks, Good reflects on living in the clutch of failure while trying to restore confidenc
Twenty sensitive answers to the most common questions about the Amish and Mennonite peoples from two leading experts on these plain people. Authoritative, sympathetic, and thorough. Sensitiv
When the biggest blizzard in years sweeps across their farm, Reuben and his five sisters, his parents, and his grandfather all face new adventures and challenges. But the loss of electricity doesn’t a
Reuben is back and ready for another adventure in the latest book from bestselling duo Merle Good and P. Buckley Moss. Reuben loves to watch hot air balloons glide above his Amish farm. But he never i
Reuben was ducking strawberries in the truck patch when his dad got the idea about making a quilt. The whole family would help. They would make the quilt as beautiful as possible. Then they would sell
Reuben is an Amish boy who has five sisters. He wants to drive the buggy and give his animals names ending in shine.” One day he and his friends Sam and Ben see that his neighbor’s barn is on fire. Se
Today, more than 1.7 million Christians are members of Mennonite-related churches. They are scattered across eighty-three countries. They trace their history to the Anabaptist movement, a part of the