A comprehensive set of computer exercises of varying levels of difficulty covering the fundamentals of signals and systems. The exercises require the reader to compare answers they compute in MATLAB&
本書引進自 Springer 出版社,由美國密歇根州底特律亨利‧福特醫院耳鼻咽喉頭頸外科專家Michael C. Singer 和美國奧古斯塔大學甲狀腺和甲狀旁腺中心的 David J. Terris 教授共同編寫。全書共21 章,內容涵蓋甲狀腺結節超聲診斷、主動監測、分子檢測等術前評估內容,以及甲狀腺結節消融、甲狀腺未分化癌的新輔助治療方法,重點介紹了甲狀腺及甲狀旁腺外科手術的新進展和規範化的全程管理等內容。書中所述緊跟熱點,遵循指南,從臨床實際應用出發,緊密結合臨床特點,有利於啟發讀者進一步理解與思考,非常適合國內甲狀腺外科及相關醫師閱讀參考。
Minimally Invasive and Robotic Thyroid and Parathyroid Surgery is the first textbook which includes a comprehensive review of both minimally invasive and robotic thyroid and parathyroid techniques. Ov