Durs Grunbein/ John Crutchfield (TRN)/ Michael Hofmann (TRN)/ Andrew Shields (TRN)/ Michael Eskin (EDT)
Durs Grunbein/ Michael Eskin (TRN)
Edited by Mohammed H. Moghadisian and N.A. Michael Eskin
Michael Eskin (EDT)/ Karen Leeder (EDT)/ Christopher Young (EDT)
Michael Eskin and Durs Grünbein
Michael Eskin/ Kathrin Stengel
Michael Eskin/ Snait Tamir
Mohammed H. Moghadasian (EDT)/ N. A. Michael Eskin (EDT)
N. A. Michael Eskin (EDT)
Professor or Dr. Michael (Independent Scholar Eskin US)
Slav N. Gratchev (EDT)/ Howard Mancing (EDT)/ Greg M. Nielsen (CON)/ Michael Eskin (CON)/ Margarita Marinova (CON)
Slav N. Gratchev (EDT)/ Howard Mancing (EDT)/ Irina Evdokimova (INT)/ Michael Eskin (CON)/ Michael Everson (CON)
Usha Thiyam-hollander (EDT)/ Michael N.a. Eskin (EDT)/ Bertrand Matthsus (EDT)
;Dhull, Sanju Bala, Ph.D. (Chaudhary Devi Lal University, India),Eskin, Michael N.A., Ph.D. (Professor, Food and Human Nutritional Sciences, University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, Canada),Hooper, Sharon D.