“Small Wars is unique in its complexity and breadth. This book would be of great interest to both military and diplomatic historians, and those that teach Recent America.” —Nancy Gentile Ford, author
At the conclusion of World War II, Americans anxiously contemplated the return to peace. It was an uncertain time, filled with concerns about demobilization, inflation, strikes, and the return of a
At the conclusion of World War II, Americans anxiously contemplated the return to peace. It was an uncertain time, filled with concerns about demobilization, inflation, strikes, and the return of a se
In the modern history of American veterans, it is sometimes difficult to separate myth from fact. The men and women who served in World War II are routinely praised as heroes; the “Greatest Generation
As a young republic, an emerging imperial power, a combatant in the Cold War, or the world's last remaining superpower, America has exercised a pivotal influence on world affairs throughout its histor
At the start of the 1960s, revolution in the "Third World" challenged the established order, as discontent with the status quo fueled attempts to revoke colonialism and the strangleholds on power main
At the start of the 1960s, revolution in the "Third World" challenged the established order, as discontent with the status quo fueled attempts to revoke colonialism and the strangleholds on power main
During the Cold War era, the United States faced the prospect of expanding its power in Central America. But we miscalculated--grievously. After 1945, Central America teemed with leaders willing to al