Martin (Griffith University Betts Australia),Michael (Queensland University of Technology Rosemann Australia)
;Naraine, Michael L. (Brock University, Canada),Hayduk III, Ted (New York University, USA),Doyle, Jason P. (Griffith University, Australia)
Donald D. Stull (EDT)/ Michael J. Broadway (EDT)/ David Griffith (EDT)/ Donald D. Stull
Dr. Michael Breus,Stacey Griffith
Ezra Griffith /Michael A. Norko
George Singleton/ Michael A. Griffith (EDT)
Guy Griffith/ Michael Oakeshott/ Peter Oborne (FRW)/ Sean Magee (FRW)
Inman Majors/ Michael Griffith (EDT)
Inman Majors/ Susan Amanda Murray (EDT)/ Michael A. Griffith (EDT)
Michael (Macquarie University Nancarrow Sydney),Penny (University of Western Australia Carruthers Perth),Steven (Griffith University White Queensland),Christopher Boge,Dominic Cudmore,Astrid Di Carlo
Naraine, Michael L. (Brock University, Canada),Hayduk III, Ted (New York University, USA),Doyle, Jason P. (Griffith University, Australia)
Rudolf Seracino/ Michael C. Griffith
Ted Maher/ Bill Hayes/ Jennifer Thomas/ Michael Griffith (FRW)
Thomas Babor/ Raul Caetano/ Sally Casswell/ Griffith Edwards/ Norman Giesbrecht/ Kathryn Graham/ Joel W. Grube/ Linda Hill/ Harold D. Holder/ Ross Homel/ Michael Livingston/ Esa/ Osterberg
Wendy Rawlings/ Michael Griffith (EDT)