To commemorate the 70th anniversary of Nouwen's birth, Crossroad issued this anthology of the best of Henri Nouwen from our list. This volume focuses on the three themes that were closest to his own h
Two of Henri Nouwen's longtime students, Michael Christensen and Rebecca Laird, have taken his famous course in spiritual direction and supplemented it with his unpublished writings to create the def
"Henri Nouwen, the world-renowned spiritual guide and counselor, understood the spiritual life as a journey of faith and transformation that is deepened by accountability, community, and relationships
Providing guidance for each individual's walk of faith, a collection of writings by the beloved late author of With Open Hands, complemented by stories, readings, and topics for personal reflection an
In The Art of Discussion Leading, Professor C. Roland "Chris" Christensen, who taught for nearly fifty years at the Harvard Graduate School of Business Administration, initiates a group of apprentice