Familiar Stranger by Michael McClymond is a very readable introduction to that elusive figure known as ?the historical Jesus? ? his life, his world, his sayings and doings, accounts of his death and r
This definitive, two-volume encyclopedia is the first academic reference work devoted specifically to religious revivals in North America. Incorporating the work of 120 scholars, the first volume con
Recent scholars of American religion have shown new interest inevangelicalism and pentecostalism. Of particular interest is the subject of revivalism—an enthusiastic or ecstatic form of religion that
Winner of the 2013 Christianity Today Book Award for Theology / EthicsScholars and laypersons alike regard Jonathan Edwards (1703-58) as North America's greatest theologian. The Theology of Jonathan
Presents biographies of the historical figures credited with founding the five world religions, chronicling what is actually known about the charismatic figures, and introduces the cultural and religi