Shinemaster is a book about discovering plenitude in apparent scarcity. It presents this human paradox in lively and often playful fashion, with poems about sweet potatoes, popular music, spitwads, se
For over three decades, Michael McFee has been, in the words of one critic, "putting together a body of work that few poets anywhere, of any age, can match for its poise, its wit and metaphorical powe
This work gathers 50 brief and some longer essays by poet Michael McFee, on themes including reading, writing, teaching, North Carolina, Appalachia, and contemporary literary culture. Some of the
In We Were Once Here, Michael McFee continues to write inventive appreciations of often-overlooked subjects, particularly the people and language of his native Appalachia. This new collection contains
As readers across America know by now, North Carolina has produced a remarkable number of talented fiction writers in recent years. This anthology collects twenty-five short stories, all published wit
The Napkin Manuscripts is a collection of twenty-two engaging prose pieces written over the past several decades by Michael McFee – poet, essayist, editor, and teacher. Taken together, they constitute