Detached and ironic; a master of the pointed put-down, of the cutting quip; enigmatic, impossible to truly know: this is the calcified public image of Gore Vidal--one the man himself was fond of reinf
“In The Lost Prince Michael Mewshaw sets down one of the most gripping stories of friendship I’veever read.” —Daniel Menaker, author of My Mistake: A Memoir Pat Conroy was America’s poet laureate of f
For his 65th birthday, acclaimed novelist Michael Mewshaw took a 4,000-mile overland trip across North Africa. Arriving in Egypt during food riots, he heads west into Libya, where billions in oil mo
In this novel, Greek tragedy meets a dysfunctional family from Maryland, revealing how time and place matter little when it comes to the implacable logic of the darkest human emotions.A family matria
Presents travel pieces detailing the authors Roman and Mediterranean adventures and covering a range of topics, from travels through Algeria to profiles of Gore Vidal and others who have written abroa
David Rayborne, an American living in Rome, invents an inside account of the Red Brigades for a book he is writing and inadvertently becomes involved in a terrorist plot
"A generous, entertaining, intimate look at Gore Vidal, a man who prided himself on being difficult to know Detached and ironic; a master of the pointed put-down, of the cutting quip; enigmatic, impos
When Michael Mewshaw receives a call from a stranger who says she has reason to believe he is her biological father, Mewshaw realizes he has been half dreading, half hoping for this to happen for over