Presents general information about the seven species of sea turtles, the dangers that they face that threaten their survival as a species, and the work that is done to protect them.
Presents general information about Tasmanian devils, the dangers that they face that threaten their survival as a species, and the work that is done to protect them.
Explores the causes of flooding, types of floods, their potential to have positive impacts and be controlled, and safety precautions to follow in the event of a disaster.
Introduces hurricanes, describing how they are formed, how they are measured, the types of damage they cause, and some of the more destructive hurricanes of the past.
Readers will find out about the other planets that scientists have discovered through accessible text, fun fact boxes, and amazing photographs. They will be introduced to amazing scientific tools incl
Though some people consider UFOs to be purely science fiction, others keep an open mind. Alien visitations, government conspiracies, and optical illusions are just three of the possible explanations f
Advancements in space exploration over the years have shown us that Mars does not have alien beings living on its surface, as it does in movies and books. Mars is on the edge of the solar system's hab
"For many years, it was accepted as fact that our solar system had nine planets. However, one important meeting of astronomers in 2006 reduced that number to eight. They decided that Pluto was not a p
Presents general information about giant pandas, the dangers that they face that threaten their survival as a species, and the work that is done to protect them.
Presents general information about different subspecies of tigers, the dangers they face that threaten their survival as a species, and the work that is done to protect them.
"We see the moon waxing and waning every month, and we know it controls the tides. However, we rarely wonder how it got there in the first place and why it continues to accompany Earth around the sun.