Michael P. Charles,Sarah Collins,Jane Gaastra,Tina Greenfield,Edward M. Luby,Wendy Matthews,J. Nicholas Postgate,Caroline S. Steele,David C. Thomas;Postgate, J. Nicholas
Michael S. C. Thomas,Simon Green
Darby C. Stapp/ Julia G. Longenecker/ Roderick Sprague (CON)/ Thomas F. King (CON)/ Michael S. Burney (CON)
Darby C. Stapp/ Julia G. Longnecker/ Roderick Sprague (CON)/ Thomas F. King (CON)/ Michael S. Burney (CON)
John P. Spencer (EDT)/ Michael S. C. Thomas (EDT)/ James L. McClelland (EDT)
Michael E. Heyes (EDT)/ Linda C. Ceriello (CON)/ Thomas S. Franke (CON)/ John Block Friedman (CON)/ John W. Ellis-etchison (CON)
Michael S. C. Thomas (EDT)/ Denis Mareschal (EDT)/ Iroise Dumontheil (EDT)
Thomas, Michael S. C. (Birkbeck, University of London, UK),Mareschal, Denis (Birkbeck, University of London, UK),Dumontheil, Iroise (Birkbeck, University of London, UK)