Stanley Weintraub/ Michael Kramer (NRT)
;Rowlands, Michael,Stanley, Nick,Were, Graeme
David Michael 1914- Stanley
Kim Stanley Robinson/ Paul Michael Garcia (NRT)
Michael A. Stanley-Raynor
Stanley Hauerwas/ Michael G. Cartwright/ John Berkman
Ben Quash (EDT)/ Michael Ward (EDT)/ Stanley Hauerwas (FRW)
Christopher L. Bell,Michael Boucher,F. William Brownell,Ronald E. Cardwell,Kevin Collins,Andrew Davis,Jeff Holmstead,Jason B. Hutt,Jessica O. King,Stanley W. Landfair
Christy Lange,Michael Stanley
David C. Chhieng M.D./ Edward B. Stelow M.D./ Michael W. Stanley (FRW)
David T. Orletsky/ Daniel M. Norton/ Anthony D. Rosello/ William Stanley/ Michael Kennedy
Dobson, Michael (Professor of Shakespeare Studies and Director of the Shakespeare Institute University of Birmingham),Wells, Stanley (Honorary President the Shakespeare Birthplace Trust Stratford-Upo
Emanuel Swedenborg/ Michael Stanley (EDT)/ Michael Stanley
Felicity Aulino (EDT)/ Miriam Goheen (EDT)/ Stanley J. Tambiah (EDT)/ Michael M. J. Fischer
Gary Radford,Stanley Deetz,Michael Vicaro
Hayley Newman;Dean, Emma,Stanley, Michael
J. Matthew Pinson (EDT)/ Stanley N. Gundry (EDT)/ Michael Scott Horton (EDT)
John Stanley James/ Michael Cannon (EDT)/ Robert G. Flippen (CON)/ Willa Mcdonald (CON)