In his pathbreaking Resource Wars, world security expert Michael Klare alerted us to the role of resources in conflicts in the post-cold-war world. Now, in Blood and Oil, he concentrates on a single
From the oilfields of Saudi Arabia to the Nile delta, from the shipping lanes of the South China Sea to the pipelines of Central Asia, Resource Wars looks at the growing impact of resource scarcity o
"As Michael Klare makes clear in this powerful book, the heads of our corporate empires have decided to rip apart the planet in one last burst of profiteering. If you want to understand the next decad
“Our armed forces are, among other things, a worldwide apparatus for intelligence gathering and strategic planning. On this greatest issue of our times, we ignore their findings at our peril.”—Adam Ho
"Klare’s superb book explains, in haunting detail, the trends that will lead us into a series of dangerous traps unless we muster the will to transform the way we use energy."—Bill McKibbenOil recentl
From Michael Klare, the renowned expert on natural resource issues, an invaluable account of a new and dangerous global competitionThe world is facing an unprecedented crisis of resource depletion—a c
Analyzes how control of the world's diminishing sources of energy and natural resources will result in a future of new alliances and new global threats in which finite sources of oil, natural gas, ura
This comprehensive collection of original and edited essays provides students with an introduction to contemporary global issues. Klare's selections provide a consistent global perspective, covering
This Handbook is the first volume to analyse the International Political Economy, the who-gets-what-when-and-how, of global energy. Divided into five sections, it features 28 contributions that deal w