Adam (Swinburne University of Technology Karg Australia),David (Deakin University Shilbury Australia),Hans (Victoria University Westerbeek Australia),Daniel C (Temple University Funk USA),Michael L. (
Dianne Cook/ Deborah F. Swayne/ Andreas Buja (CON)/ Duncan Temple Lang (CON)/ Heike Hofmann (CON)/ Hadley Wickham (CON)/ Michael Lawrence (CON)
Grandin, Temple (Colorado State University, USA),Cockram, Michael (University of Prince Edward Island, Canada)
Herbert V. Guenther/ Chogyam Trungpa/ Michael Kohn (EDT)/ Glen Eddy (ILT)/ Terris Temple (ILT)
J. David Pitcher Jr. M.D./ H. Thomas Temple M.D. (CON)/ Sue Heffelfinger (CON)/ Michael Spafford M.D. (CON)
Lana Temple-Plotz (EDT)/ Ted P. Stricklett (EDT)/ Christena B. Baker (EDT)/ Michael N. Sterba (EDT)
Michael Temple (EDT)/ Francis E. Marshalleck (EDT)
Michael Temple (EDT)/ James S. Williams (EDT)/ Michael Witt (EDT)
Temple Drake (EDT)/ David Kerekes (EDT)/ K. A. Beer (CON)/ Anton Black (CON)/ Ben Blackshaw (CON)/ Tom Brinkmann (CON)/ Mikita Brottman (CON)/ J. R. Bruun (CON)/ Michael Carlson (CON)/ Carter
Jean Vigo is one of the legendary figures of world cinema, whose films L'Atalante and Zero de conduit still inspire young audiences today. ?Film historian Michael Temple explores Vigo's intense career
HereA's a quick-reference summary covering sentence structure, punctuation, advice on essay and letter writing styles, and more. For many years, BarronA's Pocket Guides have served high school and co
Richard Roud's Godard, first published in 1967 as `Number One' in the seminal Cinema One series, was the first monograph on the great film-maker to be published in English, and one that reveals a uniq
The French Cinema Book offers an innovative and accessible account of the richness and diversity of French film history from the 1890s to the 2010s. This revised, updated and expanded new edition cont
The introductory section of the book will highlight the unique elements of pediatric practice that are necessary to provide safe patient care. The remainder of the book will discuss all major vascular
Since the completion in 1998 of Histoire(s) du cinema, Godard has featured strongly in debates about audiovisual art and culture, especially regarding questions of historical memory, technological cha
Richard Roud, film writer and co-founder and director of the New York Film Festival, was one of the most influential film critics of the 20th Century. Renowned for his close relationships with French
Describes foster home care, the different circumstances which may make it necessary for a child to live with foster parents, and potential problems and their solutions.
Westerners wanting to know about tantra—particularly the Buddhist tantra of Tibet—often find only speculation and fancy. Tibet has been shrouded in mystery, and "tantra" has been called upon to name e
In Perspectives on a Child’s Education, proponents of four very different learning options present their faith-based positions on how a parent should answer the question, “Where should I
Your loved one has been diagnosed with cancer, what do you do?In this book by a tumor surgeon, you'll discover that...When caring for those with cancer, your love must come from beyond yourself!Your l
This richly illustrated book describes the use of interactive and dynamic graphics as part of multidimensional data analysis. Chapters include clustering, supervised classification, and working with m