Michael J. McDermott Th D.
Paul R. Carr (EDT)/ Michael Hoechsmann (EDT)/ Gina Th廥嶪 (EDT)
Carl Pomerance (EDT)/ Michael Th. Rassias (EDT)
Daras, Nicholas J.,Rassias, Michael Th.
Hugh Montgomery (EDT)/ Ashkan Nikeghbali (EDT)/ Michael Th. Rassias (EDT)
John Forbes Nash Jr. (EDT)/ Michael Th. Rassias (EDT)
János Pintz (EDT)/ Michael Th. Rassias (EDT)
Michael (Rev. John A. O'Brien Professor of Philosophy Rea Rev. John A. O'Brien Professor of Philosophy University of Notre Dame and Professorial Fellow Logos Institute for Analytic and Exegetical Th
Michael Rapoport/ th Zink
Michael Th Rassias/ Preda Mihailescu (FRW)
Nicholas J. Daras (EDT)/ Michael Th. Rassias (EDT)
Reto Th?枰ng/ Albert Oehlen/ Michael Wertm?奸er/ Christopher Williams
Sotirios E. Louridas/ Michael Th. Rassias