Heather L. Reid (EDT)/ Michael W. Austin (EDT)
Jasper A. J. (Professor Smits Professor Department of Psychology University of Texas at Austin),Michael W. (Professor Otto Professor Department of Psychological and Brain Sciences Boston University)
In many Christian traditions, humility is often thought to play a central role in the moral and spiritual life. In this study of the moral virtue of humility, Michael W. Austin applies the methods of
The contributors to this volume examine issues in applied ethics from the perspective of character and virtue in order to bring a fresh and illuminating analysis to many contemporary moral problems.
Speculative realism is one of the most talked-about movements in recent Continental philosophy. It has been discussed widely amongst the younger generation of Continental philosophers seeking new phil
Over the past forty years, football has surpassed baseball as America's favorite game. Surely a game this influential, with its hallowed traditions, treasured festivities, and pronounced cultural pre
The most popular sport in the United States, football is an American institution. It dominates television ratings, it is a major source of revenue on college campuses, and its crowning event, the Sup
This volume offers a fresh, timely, practical look at eleven key Christian virtues: faith, open-mindedness, wisdom, zeal, hope, contentment, courage, love, compassion, forgiveness, and humility.Writin
It is said the champions of the ancient Olympic Games received a crown of olive leaves, symbolizing a divine blessing from Nike, the winged goddess of victory. While the mythology of the ancient games