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Thomas N. Ingram/ Raymond W. Laforge/ Ramon A. Avila/ Charles H. Schwepker Jr./ Michael R. Williams (4)
Thomas N. Ingram/ Raymond W. Laforge/ Ramon A. Avila/ Charles H. Schwepker/ Michael R. Williams (3)
David R. Anderson、Dennis J. Sweeney、Thomas A. Williams、Jeffrey D. Camm、James J. Cochran、Michael J. Fry、Jeffrey W. Ohlmann (2)
Rita R. Kalyani/ Mark D. Corriere/ Thomas W. Donner/ Michael W. Quartuccio (2)
Thomas N. Ingram,Raymond W. (University of Louisville LaForge USA),Ramon A. Avila,Charles H. Schwepker Jr.,Michael R. Williams (2)
Thomas W. Cutrer (EDT)/ T. Michael Parrish (EDT) (2)
Thomas W. Many/ Michael J. Maffoni/ Susan K. Sparks/ Tesha Ferriby Thomas (2)
Chester W. Spicer,Sydney M. Gordon,Thomas J. Kelly,Michael W. Holdren,R. Mukund (1)
David R. Anderson, Dennis J. Sweeney, Thomas A. Williams, Jeffrey D. Camm, James J. Cochran, Michael J. Fry, Jeffrey W. Ohlmannm原著 (1)
Jennie W. Wenger/ Louay Constant/ Linda Cottrell/ Thomas E. Trail/ Michael J. D. Vermeer (1)
John A. Ausink/ Richard S. Marken/ Laura Miller/ Thomas Manacapilli/ William W. Taylor/ Michael R. Thirtle (1)
Jorn Rosen (EDT)/ Michael Fehr (EDT)/ Thomas W. Rieger (EDT) (1)
Joseph M. Miller (EDT)/ Michael H. Prosser (EDT)/ Thomas W. Benson (EDT) (1)
Michael D. Hutt/ Thomas W. Speh (1)
Michael E. Heyes (EDT)/ Linda C. Ceriello (CON)/ Thomas S. Franke (CON)/ John Block Friedman (CON)/ John W. Ellis-etchison (CON) (1)
Michael J. White/ Thomas W. Corcoran (1)
Michael W. Parsons Ph.d/ Thomas A. Hammeke Ph.d (1)
Michael W. Thomas (1)
Michael W. Thomas (EDT)/ Alessandro Jedlowski (EDT)/ Aboneh Ashagrie (EDT) (1)
Ramon A. Avila,Raymond W. LaForge,Thomas N. Ingram,Charles E. Schwepker,Michael Williams (1)

Cengage Learning (4)
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Johns Hopkins Univ Pr (2)
Mit Pr (2)
Rand Corp (2)
Solution Tree (2)
Taylor & Francis (2)
Amer Psychological Assn (1)
Ave Maria Pr (1)
Bloomsbury Academic UK (1)
Cengage Learning, Inc (1)
Harry N Abrams Inc (1)
Harvard Univ Pr (1)
Heinemann (1)
Indiana Univ Pr (1)
J Paul Getty Museum Pubns (1)
Lexington Books (1)
Lightning Source Inc (1)
Louisiana State Univ Pr (1)

三民網路書店 / 搜尋結果

定價:660 元, 優惠價:1 660
本書序言●概念範圍。在第16 章,我們稍微對章節進行了重編,並進一步討論其他主題。首先,我們新增了一個關於應變數變化前後的迴歸模型的比較的討論。然後,我們還加入了一個使用杜賓一華生統計量(Durbin-Watson statistic)測試一階自身相關存在的例子。●軟體。我們改訂介紹軟體的逐步指令說明,整本書的數字也呼應使用Excel輸出結果。讓學生有機會體驗目前商業統計分析最普遍使用的軟體之一。●個案問題。本版更新了多個新個案。例如,第7 章是樣本比例的抽樣分配的個案﹔第8 章則是母體比例的區間估計的個案﹔第9 章中增加了母體比例的假說檢定的個案。本書的個案問題讓學生有機會解決更複雜的問題,分析較大的資料集以及根據分析結果,準備管理報告。●根據真實資料編寫的範例與習題。在新版中,我們在所有「應用」習題中加上標題,以使每個問題的應用程序更加明顯。我們持續根據最新的其實資料和統計資訊的參考來源來編寫範例和習題。本次改版新增眾多範例及習題。我們使用《華爾街日報》、《今日美國〉、〈金融時報〉等刊物的數據,從實際研究和應用中獲取資料,進行解釋及練習,藉以闡明統計在商業及經濟領域的廣泛用途。我們相信,使用真實的資料,有助於學生產生更高的興趣。新版包含許多根據其實資料編寫的範例及習題。●學習目標。我們也在每章的開頭新增了學習目標。這些目標是各章中最關鍵的概念。各個習題也分別標示學習目標,以便講者辨識習題所對應的學習目標為何。本書特色●本書內容採用問題情境導向的編寫方式,以解決實務問題為目標,引導出統計方法的介紹與應用。同時提供豐富的個案、範例與習題,闡明統計在商業及經濟領域的廣泛用途。讓讀者可隨時練習將統計方法應用在實務資料的處理上,有助於提升學習興趣。●邊欄、註腳及評註:邊欄註釋是本書的特色之一,將重要的概念標示於邊欄,用以強調內文中所提及的重要觀念。各章節後面附有評註,目的在提供學生對統計的方法及應用有更深入的瞭解。評註包括統計方法在應用上的警告或限制、應用建議、技術性考量的簡要說明等等。●方法習題、應用習題及補充習題:章節後習題分成兩個部分:「方法」和「應用」。「方法」習題要求學生使用公式及進行必要的計算。「應用」習題則要求學生於真實世界的實際情形中使用該章教材。補充習題與個案問題則是讓學生嘗試解決問題,以評估自己對於該單元的了解程度。●本書包含200個以上的Excel檔
定價:820 元, 優惠價:1 820
Popular Ethiopian Cinema
作者:Michael W. Thomas  出版社:Bloomsbury Academic UK  出版日:2022/10/06 裝訂:精裝
This book shines much-needed light on the history, structures and films of the Amharic film industry in Ethiopia. Focusing on the rise of the industry from 2002, until today, and embedded in archival, ethnographic and textual research methods, this book offers a sustained and detailed appreciation of Amharic-language cinema. Michael Thomas considers 'fiker'/love as an organising principle in national Ethiopian culture and, by extension, Amharic cinema. Placing 'fiker' as central to understanding Amharic film genres also illuminates the continuous negotiations at play between romantic, familial, patriotic and spiritual notions of love in these films. Thomas considers the production and exhibition of films in Ethiopia, charting fluctuations and continuities between the past and the present. Having done so, he offers detailed textual readings of films, identifying important junctures in the industry’s development and the emergence of new genres. The findings of the book detail the
定價:4950 元, 優惠價:9 4455
作者:Michael D. Hutt; Thomas W. Speh  出版社:Cengage Learning  出版日:2012/01/02 裝訂:精裝
Hutt (marketing, Arizona State U.) and Speh (marketing, Miami U.) provide business students with a textbook on business-to-business marketing. The text highlights similarities to consumer-goods market
Aircraft Powerplants 8/e
作者:Thomas W. Wild; Michael J. Kroes  出版社:新月圖書  出版日:2014/01/01 裝訂:平裝
定價:1500 元, 優惠價:9 1350
Rebuilt ─ Awakening the Faithful, Reaching the Lost, and Making Church Matter
作者:Michael J. White; Thomas W. Corcoran  出版社:Ave Maria Pr  出版日:2013/02/11 裝訂:平裝
Our parish wasnt working, said the leaders of a Catholic church in Maryland We didnt know how to fix it. We can learn from churches that are getting it right. Drawing on the wisdom gleaned from thrivi
定價:808 元, 優惠價:1 808
Handbook of Collective Intelligence
作者:Thomas W. Malone ; Michael S. Bernstein  出版社:Mit Pr  出版日:2015/10/30 裝訂:精裝
Intelligence does not arise only in individual brains; it also arises in groups of individuals. This is collective intelligence: groups of individuals acting collectively in ways that seem intelligent
定價:1330 元, 優惠價:79 1051
作者:Thomas A. Gerds; Michael W. Kattan  出版社:PBKTYFRL  出版日:2020/12/18 裝訂:精裝
作者:Thomas W. Cutrer (EDT); T. Michael Parrish (EDT)  出版社:Louisiana State Univ Pr PBKLATEC  出版日:2004/10/30 裝訂:平裝
Residents of antebellum northwest Louisiana held strong to pro-Union sentiments, and the Pierson family of Bienville Parish, Louisiana, was no exception, opposing secession in 1861. Yet once the war b
定價:948 元, 優惠價:1 948
作者:Michael W. Thomas (EDT); Alessandro Jedlowski (EDT); Aboneh Ashagrie (EDT)  出版社:Michigan State Univ Pr  出版日:2018/08/01 裝訂:平裝
Over the past decade, Ethiopian films have come to dominate the screening schedules of the many cinemas in Ethiopia’s capital city of Addis Ababa, as well as other urban centers. Despite undergo
作者:Michael W. Parsons Ph.d; Thomas A. Hammeke Ph.d  出版社:Amer Psychological Assn  出版日:2014/04/15 裝訂:平裝
This 27-chapter guide details the process of neuropsychological assessment and diagnosis for neurologic, neuropsychological, psychiatric, and behavioral disorders and syndromes, along with information
作者:Jorn Rosen (EDT); Michael Fehr (EDT); Thomas W. Rieger (EDT)  出版社:Lightning Source Inc  出版日:2006/12/01 裝訂:平裝
After the breakdown of socialist and communist systems in the East, it had become fashionable to declare the so-called "end of utopia" ("end of history," "end of narratives"). The authors of this volu
定價:2097 元, 優惠價:1 2097
作者:Thomas W. Cutrer (EDT); T. Michael Parrish (EDT)  出版社:Louisiana State Univ Pr  出版日:1997/05/01 裝訂:精裝
A collection of letters written by three brothers, offering a detailed look at the life of a Rebel soldier. The brothers comment on battles and campaigns, commanding officers, the effect of politica
定價:1518 元, 優惠價:1 1518
作者:Rita R. Kalyani; Mark D. Corriere; Thomas W. Donner; Michael W. Quartuccio  出版社:Johns Hopkins Univ Pr  出版日:2018/11/25 裝訂:精裝
Diabetes Head to Toe is an invaluable resource for anyone living with diabetes. It includes everything you should know about the disease—straight from the experts. The authors, all doctors who special
定價:3720 元, 優惠價:1 3720
Diabetes Head to Toe ― Everything You Need to Know About Diagnosis, Treatment, and Living With Diabetes
作者:Rita R. Kalyani; Mark D. Corriere; Thomas W. Donner; Michael W. Quartuccio  出版社:Johns Hopkins Univ Pr  出版日:2018/11/25 裝訂:平裝
Diabetes Head to Toe is an invaluable resource for anyone living with diabetes. It includes everything you should know about the disease—straight from the experts. The authors, all doctors who special
定價:872 元, 優惠價:1 872
Hazardous Air Pollutant Handbook:Measurements, Properties, and Fate in Ambient Air
作者:Chester W. Spicer; Sydney M. Gordon; Thomas J. Kelly; Michael W. Holdren; R. Mukund  出版社:PBKTYFRL  出版日:2020/06/30 裝訂:平裝
定價:2699 元, 優惠價:9 2429
作者:Thomas Jefferson; David Thomas Konig ; Michael P. Zuckert ; Les Harris ; W. Bland Whitley  出版社:Princeton Univ Pr  出版日:2019/04/23 裝訂:精裝
As a law student and young lawyer in the 1760s, Thomas Jefferson began writing abstracts of English common law reports. But even after abandoning his law practice, he continued to rely on his legal co
Amplify Your Impact ― Coaching Collaborative Teams in Plcs; Instructional Leadership Development and Coaching Methods for Collaborative Learning
作者:Thomas W. Many; Michael J. Maffoni; Susan K. Sparks; Tesha Ferriby Thomas  出版社:Solution Tree  出版日:2018/02/19 裝訂:平裝
Amplify Your Impact presents K-12 educators and school leadership with a framework for improving collaboration and teambuilding for teachers in their PLCs. The authors share best practices and process
定價:1843 元, 優惠價:1 1843
How Schools Thrive ― Building a Coaching Culture for Collaborative Teams in Plcs at Work: Effective Coaching Strategies for Plcs at Work
作者:Thomas W. Many; Michael J. Maffoni; Susan K. Sparks; Tesha Ferriby Thomas  出版社:Solution Tree  出版日:2019/10/25 裝訂:平裝
定價:1843 元, 優惠價:1 1843
作者:Thomas W. Malone ; Robert Laubacher ; Michael S. Scott Morton ; Michael S. Scott Morton  出版社:Mit Pr  出版日:2003/08/15 裝訂:平裝
Technological changes have displaced the hierarchical corporation as the model forbusiness organization; the large corporations of the new century are decentralizing andexternalizing, creating network
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