Black--favorite color of priests and penitents, artists and ascetics, fashion designers and fascists--has always stood for powerfully opposed ideas: authority and humility, sin and holiness, rebellion
This work unravels the complex language and grammar of a social code which has been an inspiration for artists as well as an invaluable tool for historians, archaeologists and those interested in trac
Here is a wonderful and absorbing way to come to know and appreciate today''s colour photography and its greatest practitioners. Photographs are grouped together by six basic colours - red, blue, gree
A beautifully illustrated visual and cultural history of the color blue throughout the agesBlue has had a long and topsy-turvy history in the Western world. The ancient Greeks scorned it as ugly and b
In this beautiful and richly illustrated book, the acclaimed author of Blue and Black presents a fascinating and revealing history of the color green in European societies from prehistoric times to to
From the acclaimed author of Blue, a beautifully illustrated history of yellow from antiquity to the presentIn this richly illustrated book, Michel Pastoureau-a renowned authority on the history of co
To stripe a surface serves to distinguish it, to point it out, to oppose it or associate it with another surface, and thus to classify it, to keep an eye on it, to verify it, even to censor it.Throug
A specialist in medieval heraldry, Pastoureau (history of western symbols, Ecole Pratique des Hautes +tudes, Sorbonne) began noticing a long time ago that in medieval documents, figures wearing stripe
The oldest discovered statue, fashioned some fifteen to twenty thousand years ago, is of a bear. The lion was not always king. From antiquity to the Middle Ages, the bear’s centrality in cults and myt
This splendidly illustrated book explores the universal and multifaceted theme of nature as manifested in Western European art of the Middle Ages. Fascinating essays consider the concept in the contex