;Sanchez Hernandez, Ana Luisa (Article 19, Mexico),Martinez Martinez, Miguel Angel (Science and Technology Council of the State of Puebla (CONCYTEP), Mexico),Diaz Estrada, Francisco (Tecnologico de Mo
Alberto Sendin/ Miguel A. Sanchez-fornie/ Inigo Berganza/ Javier Simon/ Iker Urrutia
Algaba, Encarnacion (University of Sevilla, Spain),Fragnelli, Vito (University of Eastern Piedmont, Vercelli, Italy),Sanchez-Soriano, Joaquin (Miguel Hernandez University of Elche, Spain)
E-learning is a rapidly growing field of education that focuses on spreading information via electronic and computer-mediated platforms. This book unfolds the diverse aspects of e-learning such as onl
In this amazing cache of designs, arresting displays of geometrics explode into thousands of fascinating variations. Each of 41 original black-and-white motifs is spun into three pages of adaptations,
In page after page of dazzling geometrics, an interesting design is spotlighted and split into multiple vibrant, dancing variations. Take motifs from this visual feast to rev up graphics projects or u