Examines the ethical aspects of video games, discussing usch topics as the controversial content of certain games, the responsibilities of the game creators, and the role of players as ethical agents.
What do we think about when we think about play? A pastime? Games? Childish activities? The opposite of work? Think again: If we are happy and well rested, we may approach even our daily tasks in a pl
Despite the emergence of computer games as a dominant cultural industry (and the accompanying emergence of computer games as the subject of scholarly research), we know little or nothing about the eth
Today's blockbuster video games -- and their never-ending sequels, sagas, and reboots-- provide plenty of excitement in high-resolution but for the most part fail to engage a player'smoral imagination
How computer games can be designed to create ethically relevant experiences for players. Today's blockbuster video games-and their never-ending sequels, sagas, and reboots-provide plenty of exciteme
What do we think about when we think about play? A pastime? Games? Childishactivities? The opposite of work? Think again: If we are happy and well rested, we may approach evenour daily tasks in a play