This book presents a wide range of innovative ideas and practical methods for housing, together with illustrative examples and actual projects. Its methods are targeted to housing production in places
What exactly is 'small change'? Build a bus stop in an urban slum and a vibrant community sprouts and grows around it - that is the power of small changes that have huge positive effects. This book i
`Hamdi has masterfully woven together notions of placemaking that have evolved since John Turner's classic book, Housing by People, into a new paradigm for professional practice. This book will motiv
Hamdi has masterfully woven together notions of placemaking that have evolved since John Turner's classic book, Housing by People, into a new paradigm for professional practice. This book will motivat
This book gives definition to participatory practice as a necessary form of activism in development planning for cities. It gives guidance on how practice can make space for big and lasting change an
This book gives definition to participatory practice as a necessary form of activism in development planning for cities. It gives guidance on how practice can make space for big and lasting change an
This book and CD-ROM explain how participatory urban planning strategies can help safeguard poor and vulnerable people. Based on a three-year project in Kenya and produced for people working in local
Poverty and economic growth are intrinsically related but are not always synonymous. Human wellbeing is as important to economic growth as growth is to wellbeing. Poverty is multi-dimensional, encompa
Microplanning is a community-based process which enables local people to prepare and implement programmes for settlement upgrading. Local participants contribute to both the content and structure of p