When does the pursuit of self-interest go too far, lapsing into morally unacceptable behaviour? Until the unprecedented events of the recent global financial crisis economists often seemed unconcern
There has been much talk about family values in recent years, but little examination of the economic forces that are exploding family life and limiting the caregiving that families can provide. As Fol
Once upon a time, students who were willing and able to work hard could obtain an affordable, high-quality education at a public university. Those times are gone. Intensified admissions competition co
A major new work of feminism on the history and persistence of patriarchal hierarchies from the MacArthur Award-winning economistIn this groundbreaking new work, Nancy Folbre builds on a critique and
A major new work of feminism on the history and persistence of patriarchal hierarchies from the MacArthur Award-winning economistIn this groundbreaking new work, Nancy Folbre builds on a critique and
Three paradoxes surround the division of the costs of social reproduction:* Women have entered the paid labour force in growing numbers, but they continue to perform most of the unpaid labour of house
Nancy Folbre challenges the conventional economist's assumption that parents have children for the same reason that they acquire pets--primarily for the pleasure of their company. Children become the
As women moved into the formal labor force in large numbers over the last forty years, care work traditionally provided primarily by women has increasingly shifted from the family arena to the market.
The Ultimate Field Guide to the U.S. Economy is the latest version of “the best and . . . least solemn guide to the dismal science you are likely soon to encounter” (John Kenneth Galbraith), revised a
Extensively revised and expanded with the most up-to-the-minute data, this new edition of the Field Guide to the U.S. Economy brings key economic issues to life, reflecting the collective wit and wis