Witherell (reading, Bridgewater State College) offers commonsense answers to the persistent instructional question: what do you do with the rest of the class while you're leading a small group? She de
The Praxis Teaching Reading (5204) test focuses on the knowledge and skills a teacher must have to support reading development for entry-level reading. The test is designed for individuals whose prepa
This book provides all the tools you need to create a strong, fluency-based foundation that supports comprehension in all children, including English language learners.
Help every primary learner build basic writing skills with graphic organizers designed at three levels of challenge. Each of the 15 model lessons in this book is paired with three ready-to-use organiz
Strategy lessons with ready-to-use graphic organizers at three levels (introductory, intermediate, and challenging) help all students learn new vocabulary and save planning time. Covers 18 key word-st
Help every primary learner build a strong vocabulary with graphic organizers designed at three levels of challenge. Each of the 15 model lessons in this book is paired with three ready-to-use student
Help every primary reader build comprehension skills with graphic organizers designed at three levels of challenge. Each of the 15 model lessons in this book is paired with three ready-to-use organize
Includes 17 complete writing lessons that include a skill focus, a model lesson and writing sample, and reproducible organizers designed to support individual learning needs at three levels: introduct
Build reading comprehension skills-and reach every learner-with graphic organizers and activity sheets you can use for any book. Key skills covered include making predictions, identifying main ideas,