餐飲業不斷發展,一個很重要的關鍵是:管理者應負責上桌食物的安全無虞。為了有效的管理風險,餐廳管理者除了要通過食物保護會議規範/美國國家標準委員會(Conference for Food Protection/American National Standards Institute)認證的食物安全管理者檢定,他們也應該要記住這些資訊並在每天的工作中執行。 由食物安全專家修訂和更新、美國國家環境健康
The National Environmental Health Association’s (NEHA) Certified Professional Food Manager is designed to supply culinary and hospitality professionals and students with the knowledge to not only pass
"Food handling and protection is a critical part of the safety and success of a food service operation. An effective food safety program prevents foodborne illnesses and disease outbreaks, keeping gue