This lab manual provides students with hands-on laboratory activities in 14 chapters, covering topics presented in most mainstream Java textbooks. Following the philosophy of Benjamin Bloom, who devel
Through hands-on lab exercises, this lab manual teaches the syntax and semantics of C++ constructs in a flexible framework that is perfect for both closed lab settings and independent learning. The ex
The latest edition of Dale (U. of Texas, Austin) and Weems' (U. of Massachusetts, Amherst) introductory text revamps the earlier editions' goals, case studies, and exercises. In addition, more object-
In this second edition of a text/CD-ROM package for a one- or two-semester first programming course, Dale (University of Texas-Austin) and Weems (University of Massachusetts-Amherst) break the materia
Since 1985 Nell Dale's texts have helped shape the way computer science is taught. Now she and Henry Walker, an accomplished instructor and author in his own right, are proposing a new focus for the j
Programming and Problem Solving with Ada 95 provides a solid introduction to programming while introducing the capabilities of Ada 95 and its syntax without overwhelming the student. The book focuses
Written to present the algorithmic, programming, and structuring techniques of traditional data structures courses in an object-oriented context, this text presents the familiar topics, but with an em