;Das, Partha Pratim (Indian Institute of Technology Hyderabad, India),Shekhar, Shashank (Netaji Subhas University of Technology, India),Chaudhary, Vijay (Amity University, India),Sharma, Bhasha (Unive
;Das, Partha Pratim (Indian Institute of Technology Hyderabad, India),Shekhar, Shashank (Netaji Subhas University of Technology, India),Sharma, Bhasha (University of Delhi, India),Chaudhary, Vijay (Am
;Kumar, Bhavnesh (Netaji Subhas University of Technology, New Delhi, India),Pratap, Bhanu (NIT Haryana, India),Shrivastava, Vivek (National Institute of Technology Delhi, India)
Bhasha (University of Delhi Sharma India),Vijay (Amity University Chaudhary India),Shashank (Netaji Subhas University of Technology Shekhar India),Partha (Indian Institute of Technology Hyderabad Das
Kumar, Bhavnesh (Netaji Subhas University of Technology, New Delhi, India),Pratap, Bhanu (NIT Haryana, India),Shrivastava, Vivek (National Institute of Technology Delhi, India)
Malik, Hasmat (Postdoctoral Scholar, BEARS, Singapore; Assistant Professor, Division of Instrumentation and Control Engineering, Netaji Subhas University of Technology, Delhi, India),Nuzhat (Singapore
Sarkar, Anjana (Professor and Head of Department, Department of Chemistry, Netaji Subhas University of Technology, Delhi, India),Sharma, Bhasha (Assistant Professor, Department of Chemistry, Netaji S
;Bansal, Ankita (Netaji Subhas University of Technology, Delhi),Jain, Abha (Shaheed Rajguru College of Applied Sciences for Women, India),Jain, Sarika (National Institute of Technology, Haryana),Jain,
;Malik, Hasmat (Postdoctoral Scholar, BEARS, Singapore; Assistant Professor, Division of Instrumentation and Control Engineering, Netaji Subhas University of Technology, Delhi, India),Fatema, Nuzhat (
;Raw, Ram Shringar (Netaji Subhas University of Technology, India),Jain, Vishal (Sharda University, India),Das, Sanjoy (Indira Gandhi National Tribal University, India),Sharma, Meenakshi (Galgotias Un