Fulfill Christ's injunction in Matthew 25!Pastoral Care to Muslims: Building Bridges recognizes that more and more often pastoral care workers are encountering Muslims in hospitals. This is the guideb
As Christians, each of us – clergy and lay alike – has a unique call to ministry. In many denominations today, lay people are responding to this call by tending to the spiritual needs of those who are
Bringing comfort and concern to the bedside of the sick or dying is a challenge for lay people and clergy alike. In this practical guide, Neville Kirkwood shares his wisdom–gleaned from some twenty ye
Here, in handy pocket or purse-sized format, is a nuts-and-bolts guide to visiting the elderly in a variety of settings to offer pastoral care and spiritual comfort. Kirkwood offers readers a thorough
In our religiously pluralistic society, clergy, medical, and nursing staffs in modern hospitals are confronted with caring for people with varied beliefs and customs. Since the overall care of a patie