With the increasing sophistication of CAD and other design software, there is now a wide array of means for both designing and fabricating architecture and its components. The proliferation of advance
Focuses on the inspiring possibilities for modelling the built environment with all the different media and techniques available. In describing the use of different models in different contexts, this
The physical model is an important communication tool for architects. Although the proliferation of CAD programs has enabled the creation of increasingly complex computer models and virtual environmen
Where now for the secret, the contemplative, the quiet and subterranean in our cities? The question may no longer be what spaces we wish to engage with but when are they?
This book concerns the city and the 'devices' that define the urban environment by their presence, representation or interpretation. The texts offer an interdisciplinary discourse and critique of the
The authors (both of the Manchester School of Architecture, UK) note an "erosion" or "confusion" of space in modern urban forms associated with paradoxical policies of decentralization and concentrati
What might our cities look like in ten, twenty or fifty years? How may future cities face global challenges? Imagining the city of the future has long been an inspiration for many architects, artists
What might our cities look like in ten, twenty or fifty years? How may future cities face global challenges? Imagining the city of the future has long been an inspiration for many architects, artists
A short story collection on the Horus HeresyFrom the battlefields of Phall and Isstvan, to the haunted shadows of Terra itself – the Horus Heresy rages on across the galaxy in this collection of short