Have you ever thought about everything your brain does for you? It is always working to keep you alive and safe. (Plus it lets you think about funny stuff, too.) So why is the brain such a big deal? B
From the creator of the hugely popular Awkward Yeti comics, Nick Seluk, comes the third collection in his beloved Heart and Brain series. Heart and Brain: Body Language continues the adventures of the
The familiar and funniest debates between the whimsical impulses of "Heart" and the prudent perspective of "Brain" are hilariously illustrated in this second edition of the tremend
Oh hey, guess what? The Sun never stops working to keep things on Earth running smoothly. (That's why it's been Employee of the Month for 4.5 billion years.) So why does the Sun get to be the center o
From paying taxes and getting up for work to dancing with kittens and starting a band, readers everywhere will relate to the ongoing struggle between Heart and Brain.Heart and Brain: An Awkward Yeti C
Fans of Poorly Drawn Lines, Liz Climo, Randall Munroe, and The Oatmeal will love this riotous collection marking the return of optimistic Heart and analytical Brain with over 75 brand-new, never-befor