Each entry indicates the meaning or range of meanings of a word then sets it in context, outlining its application in welfare, in legislation, policy and controversy.
The topics covered in this book are directly related to much of the misunderstanding of what sociology is about. It is usual nowadays to label as sociological any discussion concerned, however loosely
The topics covered in this book are directly related to much of the misunderstanding of what sociology is about. It is usual nowadays to label as sociological any discussion concerned, however loosely
The volumes in this set, originally published between 1964 and 1983, draw together research by leading sociologist NoelTimms. The collection covers some of his major works in the field of social work
Originally published in 1970, Social Work is an introduction for students and others who are thinking of taking up social work, or who want to know what social work is. The book begins by outlining th
Originally published in 1973, The Receiving End looks at the British welfare services for deprived children. The book is comprised of essays from individuals that have been on the receiving end of the
Originally published in 1968, Language of Social Casework considers the way in which social workers commonly neglect language. It is suggested that part of this neglect is due to the ways in which soc
Originally published in 1983 Social Work Values is a sustained enquiry about the present situation of social work. It describes the treatment of social work values in the social work literature and in
Originally published in 1964 Psychiatric Social Work looks at psychiatric social work as an established form of professional social work in Great Britain, as well as the mental health policy introduce
Perspectives in Social Work was originally published in 1977 and provides a text for social workers in training to use. The book argues for a more philosophical approach to both understanding and doin
First published in 1982, this dictionary offers a practical aid to students of social work and of social policy in their conversation about social welfare. It explains the meaning or range of meanings
The Supernatural in Tudor and Stuart England reflects upon the boundaries between the natural and the otherworldly in early modern England as they were understood by the people of the time. The book p