Re-Visioning Theology proposes a contemporary mythic approach to theology by providing three "re-visioning lenses" for theology:-imagination-a feminist vision-the "open" philosophy of Paul Ricoeur
Vest focuses and explores three of the foundations of the Benedictine way (silence, the exploration of Scripture, and the hours of prayer) leading the reader toward their own spiritual growth.
Many of us thirst for a meaningful spiritual life. We may even begin a spiritual journey, yet before we are very far along, we discover we need help. Is the living, compassionate God revealed in scrip
For those outside the cloister Norvene Vest sets the elements of the Rule 'regular prayer and prayerful attention to work 'within the silence which enables us to listen to, reflect on, and respond to
A provocative collection of interfaith writings considers the spiritual traditions of such belief systems as Evangelical Christianity, Buddhism, feminism, and the spirituality of St. Francis, consider
Essays on spiritual direction probes the limits of this ancient practice in the modern world, with contributions from numerous practicing spiritual directors. Original.
What Is Your Practice? presents a variety of foundational Christian ascetical practices, translated into contemporary idiom. Instead of relying on imperatives and fixed answers, readers are encouraged
The Rule of St. Benedict continues to attract those who seek to live a deeper life, connected to Christ. But with such an ancient text, how can we authentically engage St. Benedict’s Rule in a manner