Rachel (Nuffield College Bernhard University of Oxford),Mirya R. (Hobby School for Public Affairs Holman University of Houston)
Anthony F. (Official Fellow in Sociology Heath Official Fellow in Sociology Nuffield College Oxford),Roger M. (Director of Social and Community Planning Research Jowell London),John K. (Professor of P
David S. (Professor of Sociology and Professorial Fellow Kirk Professor of Sociology and Professorial Fellow Nuffield College University of Oxford)
Gallie, Duncan (Professor of Sociology and Official Fellow, Professor of Sociology and Official Fellow, Nuffield College, Oxford),Paugam, Serge (Director of Research at the Centre National de Recherc
Jon (Nuffield College Cruddas Oxford; University of Leicester; University of Birmingham UK)
Lea (Post-Doctoral Prize Research Fellow Ypi Nuffield College Oxford)