In The Wild Geese, prominent Japanese novelist Ogai Mori offers a poignant story of unfulfilled love. The young heroine, Otama, is forced by poverty to become a moneylender's mistress. Her dawning con
Ogai's (1862-1922) stature among modern Japanese writers is unparalleled, but until recently his work in translation has languished in scholarly monographs and journals. Japan scholar Rimer has gather
Considered a towering literary figure in his native Japan, Ogai (1862-1922) is becoming better known in the west for his novels and short stories. The 25 pieces here have been selected to demonstrate
The fiction of Mori Ogai, written after the death of Emperor Meiji in 1912, secured his promiment place in modern Japanese literature. This collection of stories, set in the Tokugawa Period, provide a