This package includes a three-hole punched, loose-leaf edition of ISBN 9781119148326 and a registration code for the WileyPLUS course associated with the text. Before you purchase, check with your ins
This is a Student Solutions Manual for Introductory Statistics, 9th Edition. Introductory Statistics, 9th Edition is written for a one or two semester first course in applied statistics and is intend
Introductory Statistics, 9th Edition is written for a one or two semester first course in applied statistics and is intended for students who do not have a strong background in mathematics. The only p
The 8th edition of Mann’s Introductory Statistics continues to offer a traditional approach to introductory statistics. Mann delivers information that business professionals need including the most
This package includes a three-hole punched, loose-leaf edition of ISBN 9781118172247 and a registration code for the WileyPLUS course associated with the text. Before you purchase, check with your ins
This text is an unbound, binder-ready edition. Introductory Statistics is written for a one or two semester first course in applied statistics and is intended for students who do not have a strong bac