Jose M. (Universidad Pablo de Olavide Escribano-Paez Spain)
;David, Jairus R. D. (JRD Food Technology Consulting, LLC),Coronel, Pablo M. (CRB Consulting Engineers),Simunovic, Josip (Dept of Food, Bioprocessing and Nutrition Sciences, NC State University)
Alan Talevi (EDT)/ Pablo A. M. Quiroga (EDT)
Alejandro Ramfrez (EDT)/ Gerard Ben Arous (EDT)/ Pablo Ferrari (EDT)/ Charles M. Newman (EDT)/ Vladas Sidoravicius (EDT)
Antonio D. Masegosa (EDT)/ Pablo J. Villacorta (EDT)/ Carlos Cruz-corona (EDT)/ M. S. Garcia-cascales (EDT)
David, Jairus R. D. (JRD Food Technology Consulting, LLC),Coronel, Pablo M. (CRB Consulting Engineers),Simunovic, Josip (Dept of Food, Bioprocessing and Nutrition Sciences, NC State University)
Dirk Ifenthaler (EDT)/ Pablo Pirnay-dummer (EDT)/ Norbert M. Seel (EDT)
Eduardo Lora (EDT)/ Andrew Powell (EDT)/ Bernard M. S. Van Praag (EDT)/ Pablo Sanguinetti (EDT)
Estefanfa Martfn (EDT)/ Pablo A. Haya (EDT)/ Rosa M. Carro (EDT)
Joaqu??S. Lucena (EDT)/ Garc??pav?? Pablo (EDT)/ M. Paz Suarez-mier (EDT)/ Luis A. Alonso-pulpon (EDT)
John T. Daugirdas M.D. (EDT)/ Cheryl A. M. Anderson Ph.D. (CON)/ Pushkar Argekar M.D. (CON)/ Pablo J. Aschner M.D. (CON)/ Mohamed G. Atta M.D. (CON)
Margarita M. Sanchez,Katica Urbanc,Pablo Pintado-Casas,Enrique Yepes
Mariana Mondini (EDT)/ Andres Sebastian Mu?透 (EDT)/ Pablo M. Fern憳ez (EDT)
Moshfeghi, Darius M.,Moshfeghi, Andrew A. (University of Southern California Keck School of Medicine, 1450 San Pablo Street, 4th Floor, Los Angeles, CA 90033, USA),Rodger, Damien,Nudleman, Eric (Shil
P. M. Pablo R. Sivakumar/ Andrew G. Duchowicz Mercader
Pablo M. (Cal Poly Pomona La Roche USA)