More than 4,000 disability terms, with clear, accurate, jargon-free definitions—that's what professionals will get in the third edition of this bestselling dictionary, the go-to disability reference
Introductory chapters of this reference for professionals outline the neurodevelopmental perspective on developmental disabilities and review human brain development. A section on the scientific basis
Expanded with coverage of today's most critical topics and written by more than 90 physician experts, this is the second of two volumes comprising the third edition of the core text for certification
Subtitled A Calendar of Dates of Significance to the Profession of Medicine, Including Fascinating Illustrations, Medical Milestones, Dates of Birth and Death of Notable Physicians, Brief Biographica
0-8247-1962-X Almost entirely rewritten to reflect advances in the field over the past eight years, the Second Edition of this indispensable reference encompasses all aspects of attention deficit hype
Used by experienced practitioners to assess children from one to 36 months of age, the Capute Scale is a norm-referenced, 100-item screening tool for visual-motor functioning (57 items) and expressive
An essential pediatrics textbook and professional reference, this volume sheds new light on neurogenetic syndromes using a promising clinical perspective: examining behavioral and psychological pheno
This easy-to-administer tool consists of two tests on separate "streams" of development: visual-motor functioning and expressive and receptive language development. These tests help