Provides an overview of the revised Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) framework and explores what this means for early years' pedagogy and practice. This book fosters an understanding of the revised
This guide provides the philosophical and theoretical foundations for outstanding Early Years practice. With contributions from a group of leading Early Years professionals, it draws on their range of
This guide provides the philosophical and theoretical foundations for outstanding Early Years practice. With contributions from a group of leading Early Years professionals, it draws on their range of
Contributors to this book for pre-service teachers are from fields including education, psychology, and early years teaching. Part 1 outlines theories of how young children learn and stresses partners
By explaining the theoretical context and highlighting relevant research evidence, this book supports a whole child approach to learning in the early years. Drawing on case studies from a wide range o
This book provides early years practitioners with clear strategies for supporting vulnerable children. Tackling topics such as inequality, poverty and the attainment gap, experienced practitioners fro
Problem Solving, Reasoning and Numeracy introduces this area of the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS).This area of learning and development, problem solving, reasoning and numeracy, is introduced w
A complete guide to supporting problem solving, reasoning and numeracy in the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS), promoting a holistic approach andexploring good practice.>