This textbook prepares Music Education and Choral Conducting majors to be effective middle school and high school choral music teachers. It fully integrates the choral field experience for hands-on le
Danceland! For hundreds of thousands of couples from all around the Calumet region of Northwest Indiana and Chicago's East Side, the name alone conjures up memories of dancing and romancing to thousan
Becoming a Choral Music Teacher: A Field Experience Workbook, Second Edition is a choral methods textbook that prepares students in Music Education to become middle school and high school choral music
Becoming a Choral Music Teacher: A Field Experience Workbook, Second Edition is a choral methods textbook that prepares students in Music Education to become middle school and high school choral music
To honor Charles P. Schmidt on the occasion of his retirement from the music education department at Indiana University, 20 music education researchers with international reputations, weighted toward