For over 40 years, Tadashi Suzuki has been a unique and vital force in both Japanese and Western theater, creating and directing many internationally acclaimed productions. An integral part of his wo
This lively and critical study is an examination of Tadashi Suzuki’s work as a unique and vital force in both Japanese and Western theatre, and one of the world’s greatest innovators and directors in
This reference book consists of three lists of entries selected to reflect a broad-based intercultural and interdisciplinary slice of theater and performance, primarily Western. Though the earliest en
What is theatre?What is performance?What connects them and how are they different?What events, people, practices and ideas have shaped theatre and performance in the twentieth and twenty-first century
What is theatre? What is performance? What are their connections and differences? What events, people, practices and ideas have shaped theatre and performance in the twentieth century, and, importantl
What is theatre? What is performance? What are their connections and differences? What events, people, practices and ideas have shaped theatre and performance in the twentieth century, and, importantl
‘Zbigniew Cynkutis’ writings constitute invaluable testimony of his work with Jerzy Grotowski during the ‘theatre of productions’ phase and beyond. Cynkutis’ insights elucidate aspects of the Laborato
‘Zbigniew Cynkutis’ writings constitute invaluable testimony of his work with Jerzy Grotowski during the ‘theatre of productions’ phase and beyond. Cynkutis’ insights elucidate aspects of the Laborato
‘Droznin is remarkable and valuable for his ability to combine serious and historically contextualised reflection on the body, psychology and human behaviour with an incorporated and systematic explor