Corporate Manslaughter and Regulatory Reform provides an innovative account of the emergence of new corporate manslaughter offences to criminalize deaths in the workplace during the last twenty years.
This last novel in the Alford Saga is a stand-alone autobiographical roman a clef about the remarkable life, loves, agonies, achievements and awards of Canada's prestigious movie producer, director, a
The Prime Minister gives permission for John Alford (The Pilgrim) to board a tramp steamer crammed with a thousand young enlistees bound for adventure in the Boer War. They steam across a stormy Atla
Eric Alford's safe and romantic life on the peaceful Gaspe Coast is shattered by his decision to follow his elder brother John (the Pilgrim and The Chaplain) into the 1914-18 cataclysm of death and de
Eric Alford, one of the brave but shell-shocked soldiers of WWI, sets out during Canada's Great Depression to find his British sweetheart. He ends up in Australia, where he finally wins ordination as
This book analyses the perceived legitimacy of health and safety in post-1960 British public life. Since 2010 health and safety has appeared to be in crisis, being attacked by press, politicians and p