A father’s exhilarating and funny love letter to his Down syndrome daughter whose vibrant and infectious approach to life has something to teach all of us about how we can better live our own. Jillian
A father’s exhilarating and funny love letter to his daughter with Down syndrome whose vibrant and infectious approach to life has something to teach all of us about how we can better live our own.Jil
Johnny Bench never had it easy.When he was 6 years old, he picked cotton for two cents a pound, to afford a pair of new blue jeans. When he was 17, the bus that carried him and his high school teamma
Artificial intelligence (AI) is transforming how we work right now. Are you ready?In the past, robots were typically large pieces of machinery, sectioned off from human workers to perform precise, mec
AI is radically transforming business. Are you ready? Look around you. Artificial intelligence is no longer just a futuristic notion. It's here right now - in software that senses what we need, supply